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Sleep Tips for Insomniacs: How to Rest If You Suffer from Insomnia

For many people, the main reason they are mentally and/or physically exhausted can all come down to issues with sleep. If you are an insomniac, there are steps that you can take to get rest and hopefully reverse your situation.

Sleep Tips for Rest If You Suffer from Insomnia

You can also look at your diet to ensure youre eating foods that promote good health and restful nights. Clean eating and whole foods help to regulate your hormones and ease health issues that may be causing you to have restless nights. Here are some other tips that you can follow to sleep peacefully at night. 

1.Seek Medical Assistance

The very first thing anyone with insomnia should do is make a doctors appointment to talk about the issues.

It might help to track the situation using a device like a Fitbit so that you can show your doctor your records. But you can also just write things down, so you dont forget what to talk about with your doctor.

Your doctor should take you seriously and not just automatically prescribe drugs to help you sleep. Even though that might be a short-term answer, it is not a long-term solution.

Your doctor will do a complete blood work to ensure that you are doing well nutritionally. If you have low iron, B12, or D, these can cause anxiety and insomnia in some people.

2.Use a weighted blanket

A weighted blanket may be just what you need if you suffer from insomnia. Weighted blankets are not only for sleep, they also help produce dopamine and endorphins your bodys feel-good hormones.

Whats more your heart rate and blood pressure decreases whether relaxing on the couch after a long day or falling asleep at night.

3.Turn Your Bedroom into a Fortress

This is a great excuse to redo your bedroom. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary made for sleeping. Your bed should be the most comfortable that you can afford to buy, along with the sheets and blankets that you use on it.You may need to test out a few mattresses, but you usually want something that is firmer than you might have thought but also giving. Many types of memory foam mattresses are great for this, as are some of the sleep number type beds.

4.Turn Off the Lights and Electronics

The darker you can make your room, the better. But, once the sun goes down outside, its important to make the house dimmer too. You want to turn off all electronics at least an hour or two before you go to bed, so that your body gets used to the idea that its bedtime.

That includes your TV, your computer, and your mobile device. This is probably the hardest one for insomniacs to deal with, but its very important for your health to disconnect.

5.Start a Bedtime Ritual

A great way to ensure that you get more sleep is to create a bedtime ritual. Since you already need to turn electronics off and turn down the lights, think of something you can do that doesnt require either.

For example,  soft slow stretches, meditation, a hot bath, taking care of your hygiene such as by brushing and flossing your teeth, doing a facial, applying lotion, and other activities.

Think about how babies go to sleep. Mom and Dad create a ritual around bedtime. They get a bath, a quiet story, cuddles, comfy clothing, and clean bed, and soft blankets.

Finally, you really need to make time for sleep. Set a daily schedule for your life and stick to it. Sleep is one of the most important factors in your schedule.


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